202 top medical experts on Abetalipoproteinemia across 25 countries and 6 U.S. states, including 30 MDs (Physicians). This is based on an objective analysis of their Scientific Publications, Clinical Trials, Medicare, and NIH Grants.

  1. Abetalipoproteinemia: An autosomal recessive disorder of lipid metabolism. It is caused by mutation of the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein that catalyzes the transport of lipids (triglycerides; cholesterol esters; phospholipids) and is required in the secretion of beta-lipoproteins (low density lipoproteins or LDL). Features include defective intestinal lipid absorption, very low serum cholesterol level, and near absent LDL.
  2. Clinical guidelines are the recommended starting point to understand initial steps and current protocols in any disease or procedure:
  3. Broader Categories (#Experts): Hypobetalipoproteinemias (370).
  4. Clinical Trials ClinicalTrials.gov : at least 3 including 1 Completed, 1 Recruiting
  5. Synonyms: Bassen-Kornzweig Syndrome,  Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein Deficiency




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