3 top medical experts on Oral Leukoedema across 0 countries and 1 U.S. states, including 2 MDs (Physicians). This is based on an objective analysis of their Scientific Publications, Clinical Trials, Medicare, and NIH Grants.

  1. Oral Leukoedema: A disorder of the buccal mucosa resembling early leukoplakia, characterized by the presence of filmy opalescence of the mucosa in the early stages to a whitish gray cast with a coarsely wrinkled surface in the later stages, associated with intracellular edema of the spinous or malpighian layer. (Dorland, 27th ed)
  2. Clinical guidelines are the recommended starting point to understand initial steps and current protocols in any disease or procedure:
  3. Broader Categories (#Experts): Mouth Diseases (1,845).




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