190 top medical experts on Medullary Sponge Kidney across 14 countries and 8 U.S. states, including 31 MDs (Physicians). This is based on an objective analysis of their Scientific Publications, Clinical Trials, Medicare, and NIH Grants.

  1. Medullary Sponge Kidney: A non-hereditary kidney disorder characterized by the abnormally dilated (ectasia) medullary and inner papillary portions of the collecting ducts. These collecting ducts usually contain cysts or diverticula filled with jelly-like material or small calculi (kidney stones) leading to infections or obstruction. It should be distinguished from congenital or hereditary polycystic kidney diseases.
  2. Clinical guidelines are the recommended starting point to understand initial steps and current protocols in any disease or procedure:
  3. Broader Categories (#Experts): Cystic Kidney Diseases (1,334).




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