202 top medical experts on Cystic Mesothelioma across 22 countries and 9 U.S. states, including 27 MDs (Physicians). This is based on an objective analysis of their Scientific Publications, Clinical Trials, Medicare, and NIH Grants.

  1. Cystic Mesothelioma: A peritoneal mesothelioma affecting mainly young females and producing cysts of variable size and number lined by a single layer of benign mesothelial cells. The disease follows a benign course and is compatible with a normal life expectancy, requiring occasionally partial excision or decompression for relief of pain or other symptoms. Malignant potential is exceptional. (From Holland et al., Cancer Medicine, 3d ed, p1345)
  2. Clinical guidelines are the recommended starting point to understand initial steps and current protocols in any disease or procedure:
  3. Broader Categories (#Experts): Mesothelioma (4,331).




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