990 top medical experts on Ambulatory Electrocardiography across 43 countries and 36 U.S. states, including 937 MDs (Physicians). This is based on an objective analysis of their Scientific Publications, Clinical Trials, Medicare, and NIH Grants.

  1. Ambulatory Electrocardiography: Method in which prolonged electrocardiographic recordings are made on a portable tape recorder (Holter-type system) or solid-state device ("real-time" system), while the patient undergoes normal daily activities. It is useful in the diagnosis and management of intermittent cardiac arrhythmias and transient myocardial ischemia.
  2. Clinical guidelines are the recommended starting point to understand initial steps and current protocols in any disease or procedure:
  3. Broader Categories (#Experts): Electrocardiography (4,775), Ambulatory Monitoring (2,646).
  4. Synonyms: Dynamic Electrocardiography,  Holter Electrocardiography,  Holter ECG,  Holter EKG,  Holter Monitoring,  Ambulatory Electrocardiographic Monitoring,  Holter Monitoring




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